The Salesforce Experience and Intelligence is lead by Rahul Singla, who is Co-Founder and the CTO. He has orchestrated a digitalization Journey for 15+ large-scale enterprise clients wearing multiple hats as Delivery Leader, Enterprise Architect, Innovations, and Solutions Leader. Sagar Lagisetti, Co-founder and Managing Principle has also co-founded SAP Partner Company – Magnum Opus IT and Opel Systems. He has been a Techno-Functional and Business Process Transformation Leader for numerous multi-million transformation projects. Along with being a serial Entrepreneur, Sagar is a prodigious Philanthropist with his contributions to more than ten initiatives each year. Rajesh Pilla, Co-Founder, and President has also co-founded SAP Partner Company – Magnum Opus IT and is an SAP Enterprise Architect and Delivery Leader in lean Supply Chain systems. He has lead improvements in the Manufacturing Process of numerous industry leaders resulting in improved efficiency and massive cost reductions. Subhiney Chhabra brings aboard a rich experience of formulating MarTech strategies for more than 20 global enterprises and is heading Marketing and Asia-Pacific Operations for NavYaan.
By partnering with the leading market platforms of Salesforce and SAP, the dream to offer Enterprise 360 solutions around CRM and ERP has become a reality with NavYaan. To accelerate digital transformation initiatives committed to positively impacting our society, the team of NavYaan has committed themselves towards the development of new innovative products which would be serving the market very soon. We are also looking to add the flavor of Digitalization in the transformation process of as many clients as we could by ramping our skilled team strength to more than 300.
Placing equal weightage on Social Responsibility, NavYaan is already a part of the Salesforce 1% pledge program. It is committed to donating 5% of its profits to the NGO Art of Living for initiatives like Environmental Sustainability and Breathing Life into Education.
With the vision of growing an industry-leading skillset in our global youth, NavYaan has partnered with Salesforce Talent Alliance to get around 50 individuals certified in Salesforce every year.